Monday, November 29, 2010

The Story Behind the Name

Stöllen Goods – Gifts to be shared     
With the flight of the first born away to University, the tradition began.  The much anticipated care packages arrival to nourish the body and soul in time of need.  Satisfying both a late night craving as well as rekindle the memories of the past. As awareness of the mythical powers spread, the hordes awaiting its arrival grew in numbers.  A gift from afar is always one to be shared. Until that fateful day when it was declared that the Stöllen had arrived.  At last, the truth had emerged.  The source of this never ending bounty was the product of larceny: stolen goods.  And they were all accomplices. Quickly destroying the evidence, the urban elites faded into the shadows, awaiting the call to reappear.  
And forever more, all care packages are now known as Stollen goods. Wherever friends may gather, Stöllen goods will appear.       

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