Friday, December 16, 2011

Cranberry Pistachio Chocolate Chip Biscotti

425 ml. all-purpose flour
10 ml. baking powder
250 ml. total mixture of pistachios, dried cranberries, chocolate chips
2 eggs
175 ml. granulated sugar
75 ml. butter, melted
10 ml. vanilla
grated rind of 1 fresh orange
1 egg white, lightly beaten

In large bowl, combine flour and baking powder; stir in nut/cranberry/chips mixture.  Whisk together eggs, sugar, butter, vanilla, orange rind; stir into flour mixture until soft, sticky dough forms.

Transfer dough onto a lightly floured work surface; with hands form into smooth log, cut in half; roll each into 30 cm. long log. Transfer to ungreased baking sheet.

Brush tops with egg white; bake at 350 F. for 20 minutes.  Remove from oven and let cool on sheet on rack for 5 minutes.

Transfer each log onto a cutting board, and with a sharp knife, cut diagonally into 2cm. thick slices.  Stand cookies upright on baking sheet;  bake for an additional 20 - 25 minutes or until golden.  Remove biscotti to rack and let cool.  (Biscotti can be stored in airtight container for up to 2 weeks) Makes about 24 cookies.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

THE Gumdrop Cake

The tradition continues.  Another Christmas has arrived.  Some old and some new favourites will be added.  We start this Christmas with a favourite of two special people who can no longer enjoy these special treats.  This one is for Gran and Uncle Dennis.

Gumdrop Cake

250 ml.  sugar    
125 ml.cup butter
2 eggs, well beaten
625 ml. flour
10 ml. baking powder
5 ml. cinnamon
5 ml. nutmeg
250 ml, milk    
450g. jujubes, no black (I use small baking gums)
Blend butter and sugar, beat in eggs, alternately add milk and sifted dry ingredients, then add the gumdrops.  Bake in greased tube or bundt pan, at 350 F. 50 minutes ( keep checking for doneness – it can take 65 minutes +), when a toothpick inserted comes out clean.  Cool 20 minutes, remove from pan.  Dust with icing sugar when cool. Hide from Ewald until Christmas...

And for our family in France

Gâteau Gumdrop

250 ml. le sucre
125 de beurre ml.cup
2 oeufs, bien battus
625 ml. de la farine
10 ml. levure
5 ml. cannelle
5 ml. noix de muscade
250 ml, le lait
450g. jujubes, pas de noir (j'utilise petites gencives de cuisson)

Mélanger le beurre et le sucre, battre les oeufs, ajouter le lait et en alternance les ingrédients secs tamisés, puis ajouter les jujubes. Cuire dans le tube graissé ou un moule à cheminée, à 350 F. 50 minutes (surveillez la cuisson - il peut prendre 65 minutes +), quand un cure-dent inséré en ressorte propre. Laisser refroidir 20 minutes, retirer du moule. Saupoudrer de sucre glace une fois refroidi. Masquer Ewald jusqu'à Noël ...